J P Systems Wins 120 M VA Terminology Services Support Recompete
Clifton, VA – June 28, 2021, J P Systems, Inc., JPSys, received notification of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recompete contract award, which is a single award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for clinical terminology standards services with a ceiling threshold of $120 million. The contract includes a base 5 year period from 6/28/2021 through 6/27/2026. JPSys, founded in 1983, is owned by Jackie Mulrooney and Galen Mulrooney. In 2015 JPSys won the first Terminology Standards Support IDIQ contract for 100 M. This follow on win solidifies the firm for the next 7 years. JPSys has been supporting the Veteran’s Health Administrations as a prime since 9/29/2015 and as a subcontractor since 1998.
JPSys is a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. JPSys serves IT needs in both the private and public sectors. They provide unique professional skills in the Healthcare IT (HIT) ecosystem and have performed solidly as a prime on over $70 million in Federal contract award for several Veterans Health Administration (VHA) program offices. Their services include Clinical Informatics, designing and developing data models, data architecture, clinical terminologies, IT policy and strategy, clinical data exchange, data quality improvement and HL7 data standards development.
J P Systems’ President, Jackie Mulrooney, says “A lot of very hard work went into the first IDIQ vehicle over the last five years to establish us as a prime contractor. Galen’s and my sincere thanks go out to the whole team who made this second win possible. We have an amazingly dedicated team which has consistently produced quantifiable results for our clients. We responded to the client’s technical and programmatic needs precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on solving problems which arise around the need for exchanging clinical data on the enterprise level and between Federal agencies.”
JPSys was recognized as number 21 of top 50 fastest growing woman owned firms in the U.S. and Canada for 2020 by the Women Presidents’ Organization.
Sales: Orstell Barnett [email protected] 703 973-0305
Contracts: Donna Freedman [email protected] 703 864-9247