A woman checking on her patient

Diversity and Staff Communications in the Healthcare Ecosystem

February 24, 2022
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Our JPSys Social Media Team interviews our new employees Yaasmeen Daud  and Nef Njonjo to get their perspectives on diversity in the clinical care world vs. the Health Informatics world. Q1: Is there diversity in Healthcare working at JPSYS in Health Informatics? Yaasmeen: Health informatics is a growing field within healthcare and is a realm…

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A punching glove breaking glass

The View from Above the Glass Ceiling

February 11, 2022
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J P Systems interviews its owner and President Jackie Mulrooney, who most would decidedly say has shattered the glass ceiling.  With over 84 million in contracts awards and 38 years at the helm of J P Systems, growing her Healthcare IT consulting firm has taught her a few things about smashing glass ceilings. The glass…

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Technology with cute designs

What is an API really?

October 26, 2021
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APIs for … Intelligent People! We love the Dummies© series of books, but being unfamiliar with something new does not a dummy make.  For perspective, here are some background facts about the three biggest realms in science affecting economic activity over the last 2000 years: 1. Medicine – Hippocratic Oath, (350 BC) 2. Business Finance…

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A meeting of five people

Mansplaining Explained to Explainers

September 30, 2021
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Lack of R E S P E C T leads to Angry Employees and Underutilized Staff How is it hurting women in the workforce? Better yet- how is it wasting time and money? Mansplaining decreases productivity, causes a misdistribution of skills, and reinforces gender stereotypes. Case in point: Recently in a sales meeting the female…

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Hexagons with data and information

J P Systems Wins 120 M VA Terminology Services Support Recompete

June 29, 2021
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Clifton, VA – June 28, 2021, J P Systems, Inc., JPSys, received notification of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recompete contract award, which is a single award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for clinical terminology standards services with a ceiling threshold of $120 million. The contract includes a base 5…

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A man pressing an employee icon

Your Career Track: Specialist or Generalist?

May 26, 2021
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The Debate between Specialist or Generalist as a Career Track for Future Business Needs By Ron Rex For decades the workforce has debated on the most valuable career track: is it specialist or generalist? Do I focus on deep specialist credentials and experience, or will I be better off in the long run by being…

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An artistic colorful abstract

The Importance of High Quality Data for AI Reliability

May 25, 2021
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Garbage in = Garbage Out = High Risk  By Lindsay Westervelt  J P Systems, Inc. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic right now in healthcare for numerous reasons. Namely, AI has the potential to reduce clinical burnout and fatigue by improving Clinical Decision Support.  AI uses Machine Learning to create predictive logic and “act”…

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Healthcare personnel during an operation

Keeping Everyone in the Know: New CMS ADT Rule

April 21, 2021
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Author: David C. Kibbe, MD On March 9, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule aimed at enhancing interoperability and increasing patient access to health information. This Final Rule contains a new Condition of Participation (CoP) that requires all hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and Critical Access Hospitals to electronically share (via an…

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A man pressing on a screen

How to Prepare for the API Requirements of the Cures Act

April 9, 2021
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As of April 5, 2021, the U.S. ONC Cures Act Final Rule Compliance Timeframe is in effect. Healthcare providers, Health IT developers, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and Health Information Networks (HINs) will have until October 6, 2022, to provide patients with access to all their Electronic Health Information (EHI). There are several requirements that providers, developers, and…

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Doctors rushing a patient

The Importance of a Nursing Data Framework

March 12, 2021
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By Dr. Luann Whittenburg, RN, PMP, FHIMSS   A Nursing Data Framework can give healthcare providers a way to garner business intelligence to save money and reduce risk by improving workflows, load leveling personnel schedules, and improving patient safety.  With more than 4 million nurses in the U.S., nurses are the largest clinical segment of the U.S. healthcare…

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