This task order supported the Office of Communications and the VA Deputy of Social Media. Its focus was on the production of communication materials for outreach to VHA staff relating to COVID-19 pandemic onset. Additionally, it assisted the VA enterprise, with its 133 hospitals, to new workflows and treatment protocols. Such materials included strategic updates such as informational videos, helpful infographics for clinicians, posts, briefings and articles. Specifically, the VHA communications work we did, was to create social media campaigns. These focused on to keeping Veterans and clinicians alike informed on important COVID-19 public health issues. 

Also, we performed emergency support communications work in support of the VA COVID-19 Rapid Response Communications team. Also, we supported over 100 videos sent to all 362,000 VHA employees. These campaigns were encouraging Veterans and employees to wear masks, prepared responses to over a hundred congressional requests for information and many executive appearances. These included even a TEDx Veterans Affairs speech. Products developed by this team are used daily on the VA website, in coordination with partner agencies, and to communicate publicly. Drafted the forward for the COVID-19 Response Report, which was accepted without changes by the VHA EIC.