DANGER: Still Faxing Patient Records? The good news is that there’s a simple web based solution!
How can data exchange by fax result in lost revenue and potential lawsuits?
- Faxes are not secure for HIPAA data
- Faxes are slow: it takes 2 to 3 weeks to reenter the data in the EHR system
- Delays in treatment cause dissatisfaction in both patients and clinicians
- Lost revenue due to delays, expired pre-authorizations, and retesting
- Patient safety issues arise as rekeying data can cause mistakes
The ONC 21st Century Cures Act requires hospitals and medical centers to provide their patients electronic access to their medical records at no cost.[1] On May 1, 2021, hospitals must be able to exchange transition of care data. If you’re still relying on faxing, this could spell trouble for your organization!
Direct Secure Messaging:
- Is HIPAA-compliant and a secure messaging service.
- Appears like email, Direct Messaging utilizes digital certificates and a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to encrypt the contents of a message, meaning only the intended recipient can decrypt the message.
- Could take as little as 2 hours to send medical data.
- Can exchange messages with any existing provider with a direct mail address.
- Is already built in to all certified EHR systems for free or use the web client
What is a direct email address?
A direct address is essentially an email address issued as the identification for anyone who sends or receives direct secure messages. A direct email address differs from a regular email address in these ways:
- It follows a standard of [email protected]
- It is secure with all transmitted data meeting technical and regulatory standards
- A direct email address can be given to a provider, an organization, or even a medical device
- Instead of communications being routed through an email provider like Google, messages are routed through a Health Internet Service Provider (HISP).
- Direct addresses are maintained and governed by the DirectTrust, a non-profit healthcare industry group. Over 2M providers already have addresses.
Tired of not having a faster solution? We are experts in Direct Secure Messaging!
Call us now for a free consultation, and we’ll get you set up with Direct Secure Messaging by:
1. Creating an interoperability plan based on your specific needs.
2. Analyzing your clinical data to ensure that codes are mapped effectively for optimal exchange.
3. Adding new codes as necessary to maintain compliance with clinical data exchange standards.
4. Troubleshooting data errors to save you money, enhance patient and provider satisfaction
5. Help prevent lawsuits from data entry errors.
Contact us today and save time by using Direct Secure Messaging!