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J P Systems, Inc. Press Releases

Clifton, VA 20124



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 25, 2025, 1100 ET from J P SystemsCMMI Certification Appraisal logo

J P Systems, Inc Certified at CMMI Level 2 for Services

Clifton, VA - March 25, 2025, J P Systems, Inc. (JPSys) announced today that it was certified at CMMI Level 2 for Services Version 3 in 21 Practice Areas, with no weaknesses noted. JPSys received an 'Above and Beyond' award for our work in the Business Continuity practice area. The assessment was performed by Sync Resources.

CMMI is a proven, outcome-based performance model and the globally accepted standard for improving capability, optimizing business performance and aligning operations to business goals. The appraisal was performed by Sync Resources.

An appraisal at Maturity Level 2 indicates the organization is performing at a "managed" level. At this level, we use statistical and other quantitative techniques to optimize performance and improvement to achieve quality and process performance objectives.

About J P Systems, Inc.

Founded in 1983, J P Systems is a highly rated and respected Federal prime contractor and thought leader with over 130M in contract awards. We provide professional services for innovative enterprise-wide modernization of IT healthcare, clinical data quality improvement, enterprise data management and business process modernization. Our mission at J P Systems is to standardize, manage, and improve the interoperability and usability of data. We put business stakeholders at the forefront of the SDLC and engage them in every step of the agile, iterative production of software. By embodying their continuous feedback, we have enabled Federal enterprises to deliver faster results for health informatics users and ensure that the software aligns with the business needs and delivers the expected outcomes. We design systems so that the code modules are de-coupled from back-end databases and can be reused, reducing software engineering costs, complexity, and risk.

J P Systems, Inc. Website:

See also by Jackie Mulrooney

JPSys Administration, [email protected]
JPSys Contracts: Kevin Drummond, [email protected]
JPSys Sales, [email protected]

Kayla McCutcheon
Marketing Coordinator
J P Systems, Inc


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2024, 0800 E.T. from J P SystemsOASIS+ logo with sunburst design.

J P Systems Awarded OASIS+ WOSB Set Aside IDIQ Contract Vehicle

Clifton, VA - September 30, 2024, J P Systems, Inc. (JPSys) announced today that it was awarded the GSA OASIS+ WOSB Set Aside IDIQ contract. This contract vehicle includes the Management & Advisory (M&A) services domain and the Technical & Engineering (T&E) domain for JPSys to provide management and technical services to the Federal government. This is a five-year contract with five option years. This contract is not subject to a ceiling. There are a variety of different contract mechanisms that are available for this IDIQ contract.

 OASIS+ offers a comprehensive suite of IDIQ contracts, tailored for the next generation of professional services solutions. This program allows Federal customers to procure innovative solutions from highly qualified businesses, like JPSys, through a contract vehicle that is designated as Best-in-Class (BIC) by the Office of Management and Budget.

Contacts: Corporate OASIS+ Contract Manager (COCM): Kevin Drummond
Corporate OASIS+ Program Manager (COPM): Lynne Harbin [email protected]

J P Systems, Inc.

Founded in 1983, J P Systems is a well-respected Federal prime and thought leader with over 130M in awards. We provide professional services for innovative enterprise-wide modernization of IT healthcare and business processes. Our mission at J P Systems is to standardize, manage, and improve the interoperability and usability of data. We put business stakeholders at the forefront of the SDLC and engage them in every step of the agile, iterative production of software. By embodying their continuous feedback, we've enabled Federal enterprises to deliver faster results for health informatics users and ensure that the software aligns with the business needs and delivers the expected outcomes. We design systems so that the code modules are de-coupled from back-end databases and can be reused, reducing software engineering costs, complexity, and risk.

OASIS+ WOSB Contract Vehicle Agile and Interoperable Design- J P Systems, Inc.

Kayla McCutcheon
Communications & Marketing Coordinator
J P Systems, Inc


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 18, 2023, 1500 E.T. from J P Systems

J P Systems 40th Anniversary Celebration

Clifton, VA – August 18, 2023, J P Systems is celebrating our 40th anniversary on August 18, 2023! It is exciting to look back on the four decades of technical services we have provided. JPSys started out designing databases and enterprise applications for the DoD.  JPSys specialized in the financial and defense markets in the 1980s. As a dealer, we sold and installed Champion accounting software.  I developed our own software applications for small businesses in the 1980s, such as custom accounting applications, service and billing tracking systems. Galen supported JPSys as a subcontractor for a donation tracking system for a local Washington, DC television station. He also provided software testing services for a DoD financial cost projection system for weapons.  

Mr. Galen Mulrooney joined J P Systems in 1998 as an employee. In addition, we provided graphics services to businesses. We also started developing websites for ourselves and our clients.  In 2003, JPSys became a fully virtual company, with everyone telecommuting. This agile business model later served us very well when the COVID pandemic hit. We needed no reorganizing or retooling to keep operating. As a result, we flourished despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.  

Now we provide professional services for clinical data standards, enterprise-wide coordination of data interoperability and clinical data exchange.

We specialize in:
  • HL7 data standards development
  • FHIR Implementation Guide
  • Federal healthcare architectural solutioning
  • Management of Health Information Exchanges
  • Management of DirectTrust’s Direct Secure Email
  • Standardized reference terminologies
  • Clinical data quality improvement
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Communications
  • Clinical data architecture. 

To celebrate, JPSys ordered custom anniversary tote bags for all employees. A new logo and banner have been created to reflect this monumental year. On August 17th, there will be a company-wide virtual party held for employees and friends to celebrate and explore the visionary goals of our company.  We will post a 40th anniversary video to reflect on the company’s history and future goals. Galen and Jackie Mulrooney would like to say thank you to all of our employees, business partners and friends for 40 fabulous years! 

J P Systems, Inc.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 28, 2021, 1200 E.T. from J P Systems

J P Systems Wins 120 M VA Terminology Services Support Recompete Contract

Clifton, VA – June 28, 2021, J P Systems Inc., JPSys, received notification of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recompete contract award, which is a single award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for clinical terminology services with a ceiling threshold of $120 M. The contract includes a base 5-year period from 6/28/2021 through 6/27/2026. JPSys is a close-held corporation owned by Jackie Mulrooney and Galen Mulrooney. In 2015, JPSys won the first Terminology Standards Support contract for 100 M. This follow on win solidifies the firm for the next 7 years. J P Systems has been supporting the Veteran’s Health Administrations as a prime since 9/29/2015 and as a subcontractor since 1998. JPSys is a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) certified by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council.

J P Systems was founded in 1983 to serve IT needs in both the private and public sectors. They provide unique professional skills in the Healthcare IT (HIT) ecosystem and have performed solidly as a prime on over $70 million in Federal contract award for several Veterans Health Administration (VHA) program offices. Their services include Clinical Informatics, designing and developing data models, data architectures, clinical terminologies, IT policy and strategy, clinical data exchange, data quality improvement and HL7 data standards development.

J P Systems’ President, Jackie Mulrooney, says “A lot of very hard work went into the first IDIQ vehicle over the last five years to establish us as a high-quality prime contractor. Galen’s and my sincere thanks go out to the whole team who made this second win possible. We have an amazingly dedicated team which has consistently accomplished quantifiable results for our clients. With the help of our staff and partners, we responded to the client’s technical and program needs precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on solving problems which arise around the need for exchanging clinical data on the enterprise level. As we were already a completely virtual company, we experienced no need for any process changes when the pandemic hit.” JPSys was recognized as number 21 of top 50 fastest growing woman owned firms in the U.S. and Canada for 2020 by the Women Presidents’ Organization.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 9, 2020, 1300 E.T. from J P Systems

J P Systems Receives Award from Women Presidents' Organization: 50 Fastest Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies, sponsored by American Express.

CLIFTON, VA - June 9, 2020, J P Systems, Inc., (, is pleased to announce our award as one of the top 50 fastest growing woman owned firms for 2020 presented to us by the Women Presidents Organization.

JPSys has been a completely virtual company for many years, allowing all employees to telecommute. This progressive business model meant that they needed no workflow changes when the pandemic started.  They hit the ground running to serve the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) by designing and documenting workflows for Veteran COVID-19 patient care.

VA’s Clinical Informatics and Data Management Office, CIDMO, in collaboration with the Emergency Management Coordination Cell (EMCC) and VHA health practitioners, have developed ten baseline COVID-19 clinical workflows.  These workflows were created to establish a baseline for COVID-19 patient care from patient outreach through discharge and follow-up. The clinical workflows include: a high-level End-to-End Patient Process, Virtual Care Pre-Arrival, In-Person Pre-Arrival, Emergency Department, Inpatient, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Outpatient, Community Care, Long Term Care, and Virtual Care Follow-Up.  The clinical workflows identify requirements for health data standards and informatics tools including Clinical Decision Support tools and any gaps in current tools.

The COVID-19 Clinical Workflows were developed as a rapid response effort to standardize care processes across the VA enterprise and its facilities with varying degrees of requirements for complexity. JPSYS also updated their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system’s terminologies to include diagnosis codes for this new disease.

J P Systems Founded in 1983

Our growth accelerated in 2015 when they received a Terminology Support Services contract from the VA to provide Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Services. They have been awarded more than $54 million dollars in contracts over the last four years.  On this contract they support the VA Communications and Social Media offices.  They also serve the VA’s needs for the managing the Veteran’s Health Information Exchange office. JPSys provides both technical and stakeholder support for improving clinical data quality.

They specialize in enterprise Health IT technology consulting including Clinical Terminologies, Informatics, Data Standards for information exchange and Business Architecture.  In 2019, JPSys expanded its Healthcare IT services to include hospitals and nonprofit organizations as well. They help commercial and non-profit healthcare providers to improve data interoperability.  Current initiatives include the Vermont Oxford Network (VON), an independent worldwide network of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) that provide benchmarking data for the improvement of neonatal care. JPSys was selected to reduce the burden on members and improve confidence in the quality of neonatal care data by standardization of their data definitions for optimizing clinical data exchange (Interoperability). Upon its completion, the maps used over 15,000 concept codes from data standards such as SNOMED CT, LOINC, ICD-10, UCUM, RxNorm and HL7.

Additionally, J P Systems Inc. has been a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) since 2018. Jackie Mulrooney, President of J P Systems, states “Our healthcare IT consulting helps providers and payers with advanced Healthcare IT technologies, such as clinical terminology services, data models for Artificial Intelligence systems, and data quality improvement for providers who need to exchange clean, meaningful, reliable and usable clinical data.”

J P Systems’ professionals include nationally recognized experts including Computer Scientists, Executive Nurses, Pharmacists, Terminologists, Medical Informaticists, Health Systems Specialists, Data Quality Analysts, HL7 Standards Experts, Data Modelers, and IT Interoperability specialists. For more information, please contact Donna Freedman at [email protected] or call 1 703 825-0918. Please visitJPSys.comto view our website.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 13, 2019, 0800 E.T. from J P Systems

2019 Award for Fairfax County Business Hall of Fame

CLIFTON, VA - May 13, 2019, J P Systems, Inc. is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Fairfax County Award for nine consecutive years. This distinction has qualified J P Systems, Inc. for the 2019 Fairfax County Business Hall of Fame. We won in the category of Computer Consulting.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2019,1000 E.T. from J P Systems

J P Systems Launches DQ Doctor: New Clinical Data Quality Improvement Service for Hospitals and Federal Agencies

CLIFTON, VA - February 11, 2019, Clinical data quality is foundational for knowledge-based systems. The advanced features of EHR systems rely on data being complete and properly standardized to perform the functions of Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems and patient safety checks such as drug interactions. “Just as Maslow's hierarchy of needs outlines human needs and stages of growth, levels of needs and increasing safety can be.

As Interoperability increases, oceans of data are flowing, and the trustworthiness of data sources come into question. How does one rate or even keep track of data reliability? Rerunning lab tests is expensive. Providers need to be able to trust what they get.

When multiple external providers are involved in patient care, data often arrives in the form of clinical documents called CDAs (Clinical Document Architecture). Typically, much of the data in the CDA files is miscoded, misplaced or missing. These CDA files are generated automatically and, in many cases, no one is looking at the contents. J P Systems can help reduce risk by increasing the data quality in CDAs exported by the hospital’s EHR system. J P Systems also provides Healthcare IT services that include data architecture, UML data modeling, development of HL7 Data Exchange Standards and Business Analysis. Furthermore, all our services are designed to provide a foundation for Clinical Decision Support Systems and advanced Artificial Intelligence functions.

Bruce Amato, Program manager at J P Systems, Inc., states that “Before electronic records, doctors wrote up patient encounter notes only for themselves. Now other providers in outside organizations need to access these notes. The information must be unambiguous to other doctors and nurses”. The first look taken by providers at their data quality is often a shock. Blue Cross reports that Brad Gaspard, M.D., a family physician at Louisiana’s Baton Rouge General Medical Center, "… thought the practice was doing a good job of helping patients manage their conditions.

But the first time he looked at the data on his patient population overall, he was surprised. The results came back underwhelming to me", says Gaspard. “So even though we thought that we were highly focused on quality and chronic diseases, when I got the results of the initial evaluation, I thought, ‘This is not nearly as good as I think we can do.’

J P Systems’ professionals include nationally recognized experts in Data Quality including Executive Nurses, Pharmacists, Terminologists, Medical Informaticists, HL7 Standards Experts, Data Modelers, and IT Interoperability specialists. We repeatedly hear from our clients who use CDA files that “No one looks at the data.” We are working to change this by offering a new CDA Data Quality improvement service. See for information on all our commercial Healthcare IT services. In the last three years we have helped over 180 hospitals systems and are expert at spotting data problems. Our Data Quality teams see what we call the three M’s: Missing, Miscoded, and Misplaced data. Sandra Mitchell, RPh, MSIS, FASHP, a Data Quality Subject Matter Expert at J P Systems cautions the roles which perform clinical data entry to remember: “It’s not just data entry, it’s their life.”

Jackie Mulrooney, President of J P Systems, states “Electronic Health Records systems, (EHRs), in themselves do not automatically provide interoperable data exchange capabilities, even if it is between external partners with the same EHR systems. As clinical data is highly complex and ever changing, having a highly experienced Healthcare IT firm like J P Systems who understands both HL7 data standards and standardized clinical reference terminologies is key. Continual Data Quality monitoring is crucial, as is business stakeholder engagement.” Please visit to view our recent federal projects.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 27, 2018, 1000 ET from J P Systems

J P Systems receives WOSB and WBE Official Third-party Certification From WBENC

CLIFTON, VA - November 27, 2018, J P Systems, Inc. Certified as WOSB and WBE by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council J P Systems Inc. is pleased to announce our certifications as a Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) and a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). WBENC is the largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the United States.

Jackie Mulrooney, President of J P Systems, stated “This is an exciting time now that we are third party certified as a WOSB and have the opportunity to provide advanced Healthcare IT technologies, such as clinical terminology consultations, healthcare domain modeling and management consulting to the private and public sectors who need to exchange meaningful and interoperable clinical data.

There is much J P Systems can do to support client needs for data quality improvement, accuracy of Quality Measure calculations, and interoperability goals. The Meaningful Use regulations were just the start of what needs to be accomplished for Healthcare IT. Strategy, planning and Healthcare IT policy formulation is key, as is stakeholder engagement with business owners and creation of a communications plan. EHR systems in themselves do not automatically provide data exchange capabilities, even if it is between external partners with the same EHR system. As clinical data is highly complex and ever changing, having a highly experienced Healthcare IT vendor like J P Systems is key to making your budget dollars work as efficiently as possible.”

J P Systems serves private hospitals, corporations, Health Information Exchanges, ACOs, and Federal agencies to provide Healthcare IT services that include: Data Quality Improvement Services, data modeling, development of HL7 Data Exchange Standards, clinical terminology consultations, Business Analysis, and UML Data Modeling Services. We also assist in planning the exchange of standardized clinical data for Clinical Decision Support, contextual data capture, AI reasoning, and C-CDA Data Quality improvement. Doctors are increasingly asking for context to frame the clinical data they see in Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs).

J P Systems’ professionals include recognized Subject Matter Experts consisting of: Nurses, Pharmacists, Medical Doctors, Terminologists, Medical Informaticists, HL7 Standards experts, Data Modelers, and IT Specialists who have developed standardized processes and tools to improve the efficiencies and interoperability in the Healthcare IT industry. For additional information please contact Donna Freedman at [email protected] or call her at 1 703 864-9247. Please visit our web site at to learn about our recent projects.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 13, 2017, 0900 E.T. from Cision PR Newswire

J P Systems, Inc. Celebrates C-CDA Interoperability Advancement

CLIFTON, VA - November 13, 2017, With extensive background in Clinical Systems Analysis, J P Systems, Inc. subject matter experts helped achieve a key milestone contributing to improved Veteran’s access to their own personal health records via “My HealtheVet”. My HealtheVet now provides Veterans nationwide with a clinical document summarizing their care called a C-CDA CCD. Additionally, My HealtheVet, (MHV), aims to provide veterans with a summary of their overall health and medical information that can be used for sharing with VA and non-VA clinicians.

In particular, My HealtheVet’s VA Continuity of Care document (CCD) provides Veterans access to their health records and enables sharing of that information in a way that assures the records can be used by most non-VA clinicians the Veteran may choose to visit. Marie Swall contributed significant efforts on the My HealtheVet project, making sure that the CCD met requirements for national standards and for the needs of MHV for national deployment. Currently about 3 million Veterans now have access to their health record directly from My HealtheVet.

This new capability should have a significant impact on Veterans’ health continuity of care. Aside from this recent success, the President of J P Systems Jackie Mulrooney states, “Marie Swall reliably delivers extraordinary work and products to J P Systems Inc. and has been a great asset to the value of the solutions delivered by J P System’s and our reputation with our government clients”. About J P Systems: Headquartered in Clifton, VA, J P Systems, Inc. ( is one of Northern Virginia’s leading Healthcare IT Solutions providers to the Federal Government.

Nov 13, 2017 from Cision PR Newswire

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 12, 2015, 0835 E. T. from Street Insider

J P Systems Awarded $100M from the V.A. For Foundational Data Standards Work

CLIFTON, VA - Oct. 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- J P Systems, Inc. was awarded a $100 million (ceiling) contract from the Veteran's Administration to standardize medical terminologies.  The overall purpose of the work is that of patient safety. When doctors use standard terms, healthcare providers all over the world are better able to understand the details of patient records written by different doctors over many decades, even in different countries and languages. Continuity and accuracy count a great deal.

As Dr. Robert M. Califf, Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research from Duke University says: "People are dying because we don't use the same names for the same things!"

Careful planning enables the VA and private provider's computer systems to be able to understand each other when data is exchanged. The visible result of our work is to standardize the contents of the drop down lists shown during data entry of patient data.

Standards create the needed foundation for a body of knowledge that can be used by doctors at different clinics and hospitals to make decisions for Veteran's healthcare.  It also forms the basis of continuity for reliable clinical research, public health and long range planning activities.

According to the JP Systems President, Jackie Mulrooney, "Our vision for Healthcare IT is to enable shareable medical records to improve the quality of patient care for all ages from NICs to nursing homes. Exchanging clinical data is an enormous challenge both semantically and syntactically." This work, which was awarded, is a five-year roll up of several existing contracts including Medical Terminology Standards Development, advanced modeling work, terminology matching, terminology consulting and maintenance of the National Drug File (the NDF-RT).

About J P Systems, Inc.

The J P Systems' owners are a husband and wife team, Jackie and Galen Mulrooney.  J P Systems was founded in 1983 by Jackie Mulrooney. Recognized as a top provider of services in support of Healthcare IT, medical terminology and Interoperability, J P Systems provides professional services to facilitate enterprise-to-enterprise data exchange through Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and UML data modeling.

Oct. 12, 2015 from Street Insider

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2015, 08:30 E. T. from J P Systems

J P Systems Awards and Recognition 

CLIFTON, VA - September 30, 2015, J P Systems was awarded a 5-year IDIQ with the VA with a 100 m ceiling. This is a roll up of several contracts including Medical Terminology Standards Development, LEGO modeling, terminology matching, terminology consulting, and maintenance of the NDF-RT. Recognized as a top provider of services in support of Healthcare medical terminology and Interoperability, JPSys provides professional services to facilitate enterprise to enterprise data exchange through Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and UML data modeling.

Awards and Recognition

Top Influencer

Ms. Mulrooney was named as top influencer on LinkedIn Among Professional Women.

Best of Fairfax County Award in the Computer Consultants category

New York, NY, 2014
For 4th consecutive year, J P Systems, Inc. was selected for the 2014 Best of Fairfax County Award in the Computer Consultants category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 3, 2013, 15:30 E. T. from J P Systems

J P Systems Awarded Virginia Excellence Award, USIEC, March 3, 2013

CLIFTON, VA - March 3, 2013, J P Systems Inc has been selected for the 2013 Virginia Excellence Award amongst all its peers and competitors by the US Institute for Excellence in Commerce (USIEC).

Each year the USIEC conducts business surveys and industry research to identify companies that have achieved demonstrable success in their local business environment and industry category. They are recognized as having enhanced the commitment and contribution of small businesses through service to their customers and community. Small businesses of this caliber enhance the consumer driven stature that Virginia is renowned for.

Furthermore, "J P Systems Inc has consistently demonstrated a high regard for upholding business ethics and company values. This recognition by USIEC marks a significant achievement as an emerging leader within various competitors and is setting benchmarks that the industry should follow. As part of the industry research and business surveys, various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the selected companies in each category. This research is part of an exhaustive process that encapsulates a year long immersion in the business climate of Virginia.

Jackie Mulrooney
President and Founder
J P Systems, Inc.

Stack of newspapers with "New Press Release" headline.