The Core Values are to be embodied and lived out daily.
1. Believing
First, I believe in myself and in those with whom I work. I have faith in my family and in my employer. I will receive everything I need with which to succeed, if I do my best to earn it through faithful and honest service; being patient with other people and tolerant of those who do not believe as I do.
2. Building of Loyalty and Acting in Good Faith
Secondly, success is the result of intelligent effort and does not depend on luck, legal trickery, sharp practices, double-crossing friends, co-workers, or my employer.
3. Sowing and Reaping
Furthermore, I believe I will get out of life exactly what I put into it. Therefore, I will be careful to conduct myself towards others as I would want them to act toward me. I will not slander those whom I do not like. I will not slight my work no matter what I see others doing. Moreover, I will render the best service of which I am capable because I have pledged myself to succeed in life. I know that success is always the result of conscientious, consistent, efficient, and effective effort.
4. Communication, Resolving Resentments, and Forgiveness
Accordingly, I will forgive those who offend me because I realize that I will sometimes offend others, and I will need their forgiveness. I will keep the lines of communication open in my relationships and reason things out and not harbor resentments. I will not gossip about or irrationally criticize my co-workers.
5 . Corporate Culture
Subsequently, our purpose as a corporation is to help our clients organize, manage and process their Healthcare IT data. Our mission is to architect and facilitate the exchange of meaningful, usable, standardized Healthcare data. I will demonstrate consistent excellence in performing services for both employees and clients, through integrity in carrying out my job duties and our corporate mission, doing what I say I will do.
6. People Focused
Finally, I will treat everyone with honor, dignity, and respect. I will nurture employee and client relationships to come to understand their backgrounds, needs, and goals. I will make going the second-mile second nature. I will demonstrate generosity and loyalty as core values.
*Adapted by Jackie Mulrooney from The Law of Success, 1925 Edition, p. 30, by Napoleon Hill, Orne Publishing, Beverly, MA, 2010 and Bet on Talent by Dee Ann Turner, Baker Books Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Our Philosophy

How I Built J P Systems, Inc.
By Jackie Mulrooney
For 40 years, I have led this company to be a boutique provider of professional Healthcare IT services. Our ability to perform with excellence is based on a foundation of the following:
Business Continuity Plan
We have a proven Business Continuity Plan, which keeps us rolling through hurricanes, pandemics, derechos, power outages, and other challenges. J P Systems has just finished the implementation of our Quality Management System. We defined a companywide WBS, workflows, work instructions, risk management processes, and a central repository for quality metrics and tracking.
Financial Stability
Solid since 1983, we are debt-free and hold ourselves to the highest standard of ethics in every aspect of our business. We carefully track and control costs.
On-Time Delivery
Successful programs require a magic combination of technical talent, client domain knowledge, time, and budget. Since 1983 we have been guiding commercial and federal clients through complex enterprise business, and IT challenges.
ISO 9001 Quality Control Program
We have just finished the implementation of our Quality Management System. We have defined a companywide WBS, workflows, work instructions, risk management processes, and a central repository for quality metrics and tracking.
Technical Expertise
We form custom teams of the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) you need, be it IT Experts, Clinicians, Healthcare Data Standards Experts, Data Analysts, Cyber Security analysts, or Statisticians, to provide you with a comprehensive solution for your Healthcare IT needs.