Sustainability - Environmental Excellence at J P Systems, Inc.

Sustainability Policy

The J P Systems Sustainability Policy provides a practical starting point for J P Systems, Inc. (JPSys) personnel to analyze factors contributing to greenhouse gasses, thus enabling them to contribute to sustainable development and growth. We employ an internationally applicable common set of indicators based on guidance from the OECD website to help us measure our environmental performance at the level of a project. Although we do not manufacture products, our policy focuses on the environmental aspects of sustainable healthcare IT service delivery. While we provide technical services and are not a manufacturer of products, we still aim to align our operational goals with environmentally responsible goals. First, we are a paperless company. Second, we are a virtual company and do not rent office space. These two operational mandates go a long way towards reducing greenhouse gasses. 

Consequently, we have adapted our policies to that which is required of a service business, thereby taking important steps towards greener growth – ensuring our development is economically and environmentally sustainable. We at J P Systems embrace the goal of a sustainable work force.

In summary, if you need to know how J P Systems, Inc. addresses the issue of greener operations, this web page and the J P Systems Sustainability Manual is a great place to start. Measuring energy usage is a vital first step to improvement. The J P Systems Sustainability Manual provides a guide to develop metrics (indicators) to measure the environmental performance of our projects. Our J P Systems Sustainability Team will be developing our key indicators to guide improvement. 

Green earth sustainability concept.


"Definition: Gases that occur naturally in the Earth's atmosphere and trap heat to keep the planet warm. Some examples are carbon dioxide, water vapor, halogenated fluorocarbons, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, perfluoronated carbons, and ozone. Some human actions, like the burning of fossil fuels, also produce greenhouse gases."  Greenhouse Gases from Acid Rain Glossary

Green House Gas Report

Green House Gas Spreadsheet Report - 2023

J P Systems voluntarily participates in reporting of its Green House Gas (GHG) usage. We split out consumption based on usage for internal verses client contract purposes. J P Systems uses the EPA simplified GHG emissions calculator tool to calculate our Green House Gas emissions. As we are a professional services company which does not own any facilities.

Our usage does not include any of the following: stationary combustion, mobile sources (on road vehicles), refrigeration, A/C systems, or fire suppression systems, purchased gases, steam, commuting, or upstream transportation and distribution. Hence, all these values on the GHG Calculator Tool Spreadsheet are zero. Our goal for 2025 is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 2% for J P Systems' operations.  

We are 100% paperless company. In addition, all of our employees telecommute, as we are also operating 100% virtually.

Subsequently, our primary GHG emissions falls into the business travel category. The buttons below link to our GHG Summary page tab and our Business Travel tab from our GHG Spreadsheet Calculator Tool.


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